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GVTHA II is now a legal entity. All of the requisite paperwork is complete. A bank account was established Monday March18th with BMO-Harris Bank
Green Valley Branch, 270 West Continental Road
Click on the icon below for the announcement
Please provide Jim Gaskell ( ) your email address and if you prefer to be contacted by snail-mail, please advise of your mailing address.
Green Valley Townhouse II Association, Inc., met (March 18, 2019) at the GVR Las Campanas Center in
The Cottonwood Room 4 – 5:30 pm with over 20 homeowners attending the 1st Annual Meeting. The newly elected board members are:
Ken Wilson, Victoria Alcorta, Jim Gaskell,
Edna Mae Rewers, Tim Hickman
Two representatives from our THII met with the HOA lawyer on Jan 9 to formalize the new HOA. This site along with a eBlast will keep you informed on the developments.
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